When your credit score takes a plunge you’ll find it difficult or maybe even impossible to find creditors that are willing to lend you money or offer you a mortgage. And when you do find a willing lender, you likely won’t get very competitive interest rates. As depressing as this may sound, it’s not hopeless;…
Managing your finances and your debt can be a stressful situation – if you don’t know how to do it. The key to successful debt management is education, and the fact that you’re reading this article is a sign that you’re looking to improve your financial situation. Resolving debt issues means you’ll need a definite…
The process of credit repair can be difficult and take time, especially if you’re not sure about what is affecting your credit score. offers private lending and bad credit mortgages that can help you rebuild your credit. Canadian credit bureaus calculate your credit score on a scale of 300 to 900, which lets lenders know what kind of…
Bankruptcy should only be used as a last measure for repaying debt. Be sure to consult a knowledgeable financial advisor before filing for bankruptcy. Once you have filed for bankruptcy and your debt has been absolved it’s important that you start rebuilding your credit. It will take time and commitment but if you follow our…
Building credit is like building a good name for yourself in the eyes of creditors; lenders want to see that when you borrow money you’ll pay it back in a timely fashion. In order to do that, you need to prove to lenders that you’re responsible when it comes to borrowing money and in order…

Canadian Farm News
- Ontario Investing $25.5 Million in Technology to Protect Agri-Food Workers
- The Canadian Federation of Agriculture is Pleased to See Agriculture Identified as a Key Economic Pillar in the 2021 Federal Budget
- Liberals to vote on a resolution for the agri-food sector
- Ministers agree to part of BRM proposal

Mortgage Talk Canada
- Trudeau just getting started in bid to ease housing fever
- ClearPro aims to build consumer trust and fight fraud within the mortgage industry
- Equifax reveals what’s happening with consumer debt in Canada
- Finalists have been posted for the Canadian Mortgage Awards 2021