Receiving an income verified mortgage pre-approval is a good strategy for securing your new home. Two positive consequences can come from this decision. First off, a pre-approved mortgage allows you to narrow down your housing search based on a concrete budget. This leads to the second major benefit, which is the increased likelihood of your…
What’s Your Plan? Home ownership is a dream, and for some it seems like that dream might never come true, but armed with the right information, and the right plan, you can make it happen. At our team of experts can assist you with information on market conditions, mortgage types, and can go to…
Fixed Mortgage Rate Versus Variable Mortgage Rate There are a wide variety of mortgage products available to Canadian home buyers. Each product offers its own benefits and disadvantages, so it’s important to review all of the different types prior to making a final decision. Let’s take a look at the two most popular mortgage plans available to…
When it is time to renew a mortgage the majority of Canadians make a huge mistake. More than 70-percent of homeowners don’t bother to shop around or research the market to see if they can get a better deal. Instead most people just renew their mortgage and either assume the rate they are getting is…
Times have changed. It’s a digital era and that really does give you more control and more power over your own destiny when seeking a mortgage. By shopping for a mortgage and applying online you give yourself some great advantages, and online mortgage brokers like have made it easy to use the internet to…